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Hereford Psychedelic Integration Group



If you’ve had a psychedelic experience or an experience in an expanded state that you wish to further integrate, wish to share, or are struggling to make sense of, this bi-monthly (every other month) integration group provides an opportunity to explore and understand its impact. In a supportive,  confidential, safe space you can share your story and learn from others’ experiences – both positive and negative. Book a space here.


This is a sharing circle for people who have had challenging or unresolved experiences and want to make sense of these; it is for people who wish to share meaningful experiences; and it is for people who wish to learn more about psychedelics, with harm reduction in mind.


The aim is to help integrate psychedelic experiences into everyday life in ways that are helpful and meaningful to the individual. Integration supports us to make sense of those insights and translate them into real world actions and meaningful life change.


As psychedelics become more mainstream, the psychedelic community are increasingly creating community spaces where we can support one another to make sense of our psychedelic experiences. This is our intention here. The circle offers a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space where open conversations can happen, so we can learn from our experiences and support each other to develop, heal and grow.

“A psychedelic journey can offer valuable and significant insights that support the unlocking of deeply ingrained patterns. But often insight by itself is not a sufficient force of change, and psychedelic experiences can't replace the necessity for our inner work. If we outsource our healing and growth to psychedelics with out making the effort to support and integrate these experiences, abdicate responsibility, and adopt a passive stance towards our unconscious, we are taking an enormous risk in allowing unprocessed experiences to dictate our choices and our life trajectory. To genuinely transcend our wounds, defences, and early conditioning, it is essential to maintain our responsibility of bringing back the gifts of the imaginal world into a relationship with everyday life”

Maria Papaspyrou

Psychedelic Integration

Conscious integration of any transformation or transformational work maximises the potential of the benefits persisting and being carried over into your life and the ongoing relationship with yourself, others, and with the world.


Integration work can support you to preserve insight in well resolved experience, helping you to harness meaning and transform the experience into enduring life change. 


Where there has been unresolved experience or overwhelm, integration can support to slow down and ground, reviving the capacity for you to integrate through containment and closure of the emotional material, supporting you to return to a sense of self that can sustain you in everyday life.

The group or its organisers do not provide psychedelics, nor permit use of psychedelics during group meetings, nor support or encourage the use of illicit substances in unregulated and illegal frameworks. nor offer referrals to illegal psychedelic services.


The primary purpose of this group is to offer integration and preparation support, with harm reduction in mind.


Alasdair KirkTiph Fedor

Alasdair is a professional member of  The Institute of Psychedelic Therapy, UK, a registered Psychedelic Integration Practitioner, and a registered crisis support professional with PsyCare UK. He is a therapist and certified shadow work facilitator in private practice employing various tools and modalities to work therapeutically with the inner experience and the inner and outer relational field, supporting people into resilient, joyful and authentic living. More here.

Tiph is a registered Counsellor a Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner and Mentor and a certified Mindfulness Practitioner. Tiph has a Certificate in Psychedelic-Informed Practice, Harm Reduction, and Integration From Psychedelic Today’s Vital training and is currently studying a two year depth relational process practitioner training with The Institute of Psychedelic Therapy. She is a professional member of The Institute of Psychedelic Therapy, and a registered Psychedelic Integration Practitioner.

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